
*Under Construction*


  1. I'm not sure on how to contact you in the best way so i'm going to leave a comment here and hope you get it. Have you ever heard of Liebster Blog Award? Well I nominated you and am notifying you that if you would like to accept it then mosey on over to my blog {Here} and follow the rules I have listed and answer the awesome questions I have listed underneath titled “questions for nominee's” I hope you choose to accept this award and have fun answering the questions!

  2. Hello Cosy Corner! I am unsure how to contact you, since your site is under construction, but it is so cute! I run a book tour service and was wondering if you were interested in helping out in any of the promotions we currently have available or having our website handy in case any do pop up that are up your alley. I would greatly appreciate it. The site is here. Hope your week is off to a great start. (:
